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“My Family Would Crucify me personally!”: The Perceived impact of Social Pressure on Cross-Cultural and Interfaith Dating and Marriage


The study that is present the observed impact of parental and social stress on people’ perceptions regarding cross-cultural and interfaith relationship and wedding. The concerns of great interest had been: (1) what’s the impact of parental attitudes towards interfaith and cross-cultural relationships? (2) how can the individuals feel it impacts upon them? Not only that, (3) How do the individuals predict they will react to their children’s range of such relationships? Fifty-five college pupils with diverse backgrounds took part in this research. The findings suggest that almost all the individuals were affected by the social stress placed upon them. Furthermore, the individuals observed the generation that is previous “racist”. Nevertheless, interestingly you will find signs of an attitude shift that is generational. Finally, the findings reveal that over 80 per cent of this individuals failed to desire to interfere within their children’s partner selection. The residual 20 per cent had been against interfaith and dating that is cross-cultural marriages.

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It must be noted that relationship is generally speaking perhaps perhaps not acceptable within the Arab and community that is muslim others) unless the couple’s intention would be to date solely (but, specific limitations may nevertheless use, e.g., limiting intimate tasks) and with the try to get hitched. More over, in many cases, the approval of this female’s daddy ( or any other significant male figure) is necessary to enable this relationship to transpire. This matter was addressed through the number of the information in purchase to respect individuals’ social traditions and observing that is religious.


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